MS SQL Database Architecture Design Outsourcing

Database Architecture design is the process of forming a database that is going to tailor the needs of a user. Your systems and applications are only as good as their underlying database. The handling and manipulation of data is the key to gaining a competitive edge in today's market.

The architecture design process generally entails a number of steps which calls for a database designer. This design refers to the -- tables, columns, relationships, keys and indexes of which a database is formed of. When the database is designed, the data which seems to be relevant are stocked up. Layout of the table, implementation of a primary keys and unique key constraints allows the data to be consistent.

There are many factors to consider when architect your database schema:
- The architecture of the application (Client/Server or N-Tier)
- The number of users expected to use the application
- Proposed and future functionality
- Reporting Facilities
- Integration with existing applications or databases.
- Geographical spread of the user population
- Performance requirements
- The inter-relationships between all the various items of business data

A good database architecture always
- Gives access to the information.
- Provides you with the up-to-date & accurate information.
- Makes the queries simple which results in a fast execution.
- Accommodates your data processing and reporting needs.
- Helps, support and ensure the accuracy & integrity of your information.
- Partition your information into the subject-based tables so as to decrease the strength of an outmoded data.

The database architecture represents one of the fundamental building blocks of any successful application. By combining a highly structured design approach with a thorough understanding of the database engine, you can fully exploit the power of database technology.

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